Patients relax at Hollins Park thanks to Bailey Streetscene

Patients relax at Hollins Park thanks to Bailey Streetscene

Bailey Streetscene have provided a number of seating elements, planters, and shelters for Hollins Park and Whiston Hospitals’ Memory Inpatient services.

The new courtyard areas provide a familiar space where the patients can relax, exercise and experience the outdoor environment within a safe and enclosed area.

The street furniture features bespoke design additions to adhere to the health and safety requirements of the facility including:
• A new backrest option for the Deacon Bench
• A Wheelchair accessible version of the Springwell Planter
• A bespoke version of the Heron shelter with multiwall polycarbonate roof sheets and mesh walls
• All with Tamper free fixings.

3D Cad renders were produced to allow for finite details to be established before approval.

With no direct access for off load, the products had to be manually carried through the building in parts and then assembled in the courtyards.

Roles & Responsibilities:
• Design liaison with client
• Budget and cost evaluation
• Manufacture
• Logistic and offload planning
• Installation

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