Courtyard package for £40m mental health hospital

Courtyard package for £40m mental health hospital

Bailey Streetscene have supplied a number of their courtyard package for the internal courtyard areas of Atherleigh park, a new £40 million mental health hospital in greater Manchester.

Streetscene suggested their courtyard package including bespoke planters, benches, seats and handrails, each with varying design amendments to meet the criteria of the Hospital.

The Springwell Planters and the Stoke Planters, were installed with GRP Liners instead of galvanised steel, to make the planters lighter and easier to transport through the hospital for installation into the courtyards.

The planters were also adjusted height wise to accommodate the range of ages and abilities that visit the hospital.

The Deacon Benches and the ARIS Concrete Benches were installed with anti-tamper fixings to ensure they could not be removed after being established.

Backrests and arm rests were added to some seating units to provide additional support to users when sitting and standing.

All of the seating units were facing inwards to increase the sense of community and promote sociability.

The second phase of the project was to work with Kier Construction to install products for the car park area of the Hospital.

The Bromley Cycle Shelter, as well as standard bollards, and litter bins were implemented around the car park. The same seating and planters were also used to match the internal courtyards.

The ARIS Concrete Benches were placed along the main path outside of the hospital. This modular range of seating provided relaxing seating areas with the design of soft edges and additional planter space.

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