Contour Heating Anti-Ligature Radiator Covers for Mental Health Unit in South East England

Contour Heating Anti-Ligature Radiator Covers for Mental Health Unit in South East England

Project Description

Contour has successfully supplied and installed anti-ligature radiators, helping the mental health unit to increase the safety in their wards dramatically.

The context of this mental health unit is important to note, due to it being low – medium secure mental health establishment for older adults. It faced issues which posed dangerous ligature risks.

Making sure heating was safe and anti-ligature was the top priority for this project to increase the safety for all service users.

The project was to replace prior radiator covers that had been posing ligature risks to the service users at the mental health unit. Contour replaced old heating systems with
anti-ligature LST radiator covers.

The Challenges

Previous radiator covers at this mental health units posed ligature risks.

Grilles were large enough to tie something around and elements were falling apart allowing them to then be used as weapons.

Due to this project being at a mental health unit, ligature risks were the most important factor for when it came to safer heating. Individuals came to this unit for security, so the environment needed to be a reliable setting for all service users.

Another challenge for this mental health unit was not having easy access for cleaning and maintenance. Radiators can store harmful bacteria and dust if they’re not properly cleaned. Having difficult access makes it harder to thoroughly remove this dust and dirt.

Previous radiators had difficult access because it involved removing a top grille to gain access and cutting into anti-pick mastic which in turn would damage the walls.

Therefore, the priority was for an anti-ligature radiator guard to reduce ligature risks and to keep all service users safe.

Previous radiators were piped up TBOE (top, bottom, opposite end) and some TRV heads were placed at the top of the radiator covers. So, to ensure the radiators didn’t cut off too soon, remote TRV heads needed to be installed.

Within this mental health unit, radiators were significantly close to windowsills, the client also requested to have a sloped top to reduce the risk of the guards being tampered with. This meant that a bespoke solution was required to fit the space available and meet the needs of the client.

Another challenge was that the mental health unit required the survey and installation to be all done in a live ward.

This is challenging and meant that the team had to show sensitivity to the service users and to the things that they might find at the mental health units.

Unused medication and potential items to self-harm were found inside the previous radiator covers. Anti-Ligature heating solutions are crucial when reducing stash points.

Anti-Ligature LST Radiator Covers

Contour introduced bespoke anti-ligature LST radiators to provide safer heating solutions for this mental health unit. This ensured peace of mind that all individuals were secure from harming themselves on radiators.

To suit individual needs and to cater for spaces under windowsills, a bespoke solution was carried out with sloping tops to ensure wellbeing.

Anti-Ligature features were optimised to ensure all service users were safe from ligature risks and opportunities to use the radiators as stash points.


The mental health unit successfully achieved bespoke, anti-ligature, and overall safer heating solutions. Access for cleaning and maintenance was provided, remote sensing TRV heads were put in place and all work that commenced on the live wards was done with sensitivity and empathy.

The top priority was the health and safety of all service users and Contour was keen on delivering high-quality designs to solve the problems that the mental health unit faced.

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